As about as finely organised as the '39 overnight excursion into Czechoslsvakia, we had our bus tickets pre-purchased, our first class train seats reserved and the girls even went and bought some pre-packed salads to maintain their strength on the journey.
Tony and I were forced to rely on the Grace of God and whatever the good folk at DB would provide. So our ham omelette and glasses of Czech red went down a treat.
(Kept abreast of the footy as the mighty Melbourne Cats got up over Port.)
The only stumbling block was the distance that was required to reach our accommodation (963 metres) and the realization that we were required to attend their booking office across town to pay and pick up the four keys that provided access to the DownTown apartment.
Glenn, I am enjoying your blog I have the spare time to read them!. Not sure if I have worked out correctly how to leave a reply....guess I will find out soon enough!