Monday, 9 September 2013

Achtung Berlin!

Holy Moly!

The main train track to Berlin is under maintenance and we must go via Duisburg (Dirt bag: Tony's translation).

We nearly lose Anne,  who is too impatient to wait with Eva and Tony, while I go to see if we can reserve seats. No reservations needed, I am assured.

We get to the second stop and a couple of blokes want their reserved seats that we are sitting in. (And suddenly, all my ill-conceived impressions of the superiority of the Ayrian race and its mastery of technology are shattered!  Musollini WAS the only Fat Controller who could get the trains in Europe running on time.)

So we get to Duisburg and can't get reserved seats and again some kind gent has to make the supreme  sacrifice of giving up his seat so that we may remain united as one. Figuratively speaking. (Don't even go there!)

At least we can get a coffee and beer served at our table. And free lollies!  (I think one of Hockey's commitments to a better economy was to provide free lollies on all high speed inter-capital trains, once they were available. The trains; not the lollies.)

We pull into Berlin Hbf and get caught short. Actually, 2 euro short, as neither Tony or I can afford the cost of a slash on the tiles. Talk about spend a penny! Reminds me of the old saying "Use the railways, always." We should have.

So our accommodation is located too close to the centre  of town and restaurants and public transport are too convenient. 

Gees, there must be something wrong with the place, otherwise there won't be anything to complain about. (The large number of attractive, unattached, female women in the adjacent apartments that appear to be off the leash could be a concern.) Further investigations may be necessary. (Tony, close your mouth.)

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